Who are the new members of the Association in 2017 ?

The year 2017 of the Henri Capitant Association in Cambodia will have been a rich year of new human and professional meetings.

The Association is so pleased to announce that it can now count among its  new members  :

Ms. BERKOWICZ Julia is a Lawyer at PDGB Law Firm – Environmental law / Public law Department. She is graduated from the Law School of Paris Bar (Barreau de Paris) in 2015. She has a Master’s degree in Environmental Law from the University Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines (France). Since  March 2016, Ms. BERKOWICZ  is member of Executive Board of Henri Capitant “in charge of Institutional Development”.

Ms. SARTINI Ingrid, Legal Intern at DFLD Cambodia, Consulting Law and Fiscal Firm. Also Lawyer graduated from the Law School of Paris Bar (Barreau de Paris), in 2016, she holds a Master’s degree in General Private Law from University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), is member of Executive Board of Henri Capitant as ” deputy secretary in charge of communication.

We also thank the new members of our association since February 2017, students from the Royal University of Law and Economics :

Ms. CHAB Soknov, Mr. CHAN Cheadaling, Ms. CHHAN Vorleak, Mr. CHEAV Mengseng, Mr.CHIDA Sothivithureak, Mr. EAB Sotheany, Mr. EANG Vicheka, Mr. KIM Ching, Ms. KONG Puthinita, Mr. KOUCH Kimheng, Ms. KUY Voleak, Mr. LEKH Youkoem, Ms. NUON Scheata, Mr. PHOEUN Rady, Ms. PRAK Sunday, Mr. RATHA Pisith, Ms. SENG Sothearaskmaey, Mr. SIEN Sovisal, Mr. SOK Sopheak, Mr. SROEUNG Chorvorn, Ms. TAING Chanleakhena, Mr. TEAV Saran Phoumin, Mr. TENG Kimsour, Mr. THOR Karon, Ms. TUY Hongkhin (all in second year of special branch of Law); and Mr. SORNG Sofok, Master degree of International Business Law at RULE University

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