Executive Board
Mr. YI Prasnar, President:
- Executive Director of the Institutional Counsel Cabinet N-Strat;
- PhD student in Fiscal Law at Aix-Marseille University (France);
- Graduate from the French branch of the RULE, from the university Lumière Lyon 2 (France), and from the university Panthéon Assas (France);
- Certification Diploma from the National Administration School (France, ENA).
Ms. MINSUM Solidar, Vice-President in charge of public relations:
- Notary;
- Graduate from the French branch of the RULE, and from the universities Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France) and Lumière Lyon 2 (France) (Master’s degree).
Ms. NEUV Socheata, Vice-President in charge of Notarial and continuing training:
- Notary;
- Graduate from the French branch of the RULE and from the university Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France).
Mr. KAN Sothpolin, General-Secretary:
- Notary;
- Student at the first promotion of the Royal School of Notaries, Graduate from the French branch of the RULE and from the university Lumière Lyon 2 (France).
Mr. SEN Sunday, Treasurer:
- Executive in the private sector;
- Graduate from the French branch of the RULE, from the university of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas (law), Lyon 2 (economy) and Lille 1 (management) – France;
- Certification Diploma from the National Administration School (France, ENA);
- Graduate from the university of Angers (France) in Human Sciences/History & Logistics/Aviation Services Management.
Mr. MOUSAR Hisham, Scientific Council Relations Coordinator:
- Head of the Parliamentary Research Unit at the Cambodia Parliamentary Institute;
- Law Professor at the Royal University of Law and Economy (RULE);
- Honorary Director for the French Cooperation Center at the Law Faculty of RULE;
- Law graduate at the Law Faculty of the University Paris Descartes (France) and the University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne (France).
Ms. BERKOWICZ Julia, in charge of Institutional Development:
- Lawyer at PDGB Law Firm – Environmental law / Public law Department;
- Graduate from the Law School of Paris Bar (Barreau de Paris) promotion 2015;
- Master’s degree in Environmental Law from the University Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines (France).
Ms. Sin Bopha, Deputy secretary for access to the law:
- Associate, in corporate & investment practice group, and Chinese desk at BNG Legal;
- Master‘s degree of International Business Law from the French branch of the RULE, in partnership with the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas;
- Bachelor degree of Comparative Law from the French branch of RULE, from the University Lumière Lyon 2;
- Certificate of Labcitoyen 2013 about Human Right in 21 century from French Institute cooperation with La maison des Cultures du Monde (France);
- Graduate Mandarine Chinese at Guang Zhao School and Mandarine translation specialist at Chong Zheng school.
Ms. Yan Monytha, deputy secretary for cambodian youth:
- Jurist at HML Law Firm & Consulting, Phnom Penh
- Master‘s degree in General Private Law from University Lumière Lyon 2 (France);
- Bachelor of International Business Law from the French branch of the RULE, in partnership with the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas.
Ms. Ingrid Sartini, deputy secretary in charge of communication:
- Lawyer;
- Graduate from the Law School of Paris Bar (Barreau de Paris) promotion 2016;
- Master‘s degree in General Private Law from University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (France).